After looking at the artwork of this tape regarding to the title "living dead" I expected another boring Misfits-clone, playing this slow kind of horror-punk, so many bands does. Only empty phrases dealing with every zombie chlichee you can imagine. But almost after a few seconds of listening to BROTTSKOD 11 (by the way I didn't find out what the bandname means... is it similar to "without a trace..."?) I had to accept that this stuff is one of the greatest hardcore-punk tapes I ever listened to. You will get eight songs with Swedish lyrics but after a short mail I got the English translation from Frederik, who is responsible for the brutal vocals, so I can tell you a little bit what they are singing about. For sure they handle with some topics that fits to their style and outfits but not devoid of meaning or just because they have to sang about, because they look like zombies. Songs about the death and the sense of death are well thought out even though the song "Levande Död" is a paradigm of zombie chlichees, but it kicks ass! The other songs are very sociocritical (about the media, the latest riots in Egypt or actually about Fukushima in Japan), short, straight in your head... hah, I really enjoyed listening to this tape. Search on You-Tube and watch their video-clip, visit their homepage and order a tape, before they are all sold-out. You won't find a download-link with these eight songs at this place, just a link to their page, where you can listen to four songs and the English translation of the lyrics. "They keep coming back in a bloodthirsty lust..."
9/10 points Bäppi